Large Hospital Campus
The Need
Operating, expanding, and renovating a >5 million square foot hospital, medical office, and research campus is a time and energy intense endeavor. When this hospital client found our team, it had just begun to seriously consider reducing the approximately $8 million that it annually spends on energy, as it had recently found that its Energy Star® score was far lower than expected.
Our Approach
We first performed a detailed energy audit of a large and energy-intense portion of the campus. We identified 19 individual opportunities, which had the potential to reduce annual campus energy costs by about $300,000 with a combined simple payback of less than 1 year before utility rebates. Most of the opportunities were low-to-no cost! Subsequently, we performed energy audits of two other major sections of the campus and began serving as the commissioning agent for one of the client’s new facilities. In 2017, we embedded our staff within the hospital’s engineering services team as the campus energy manager. We have served in this role ever since.
The Results
Hospital facilities, maintenance, and project management staff benefit from candid and unbiased advice during decision making on significant projects that impact energy consumption. Leveraging the knowledge and experience of our entire team, we have helped to embed a mindset of strategic energy management into ongoing operations and in new construction projects.
Helped the campus establish a process for ongoing data benchmarking
Pursued significant utility rebate funding
Identified and helped to implement energy efficiency projects with a goal of increasing the campus Energy Star® score
Impacted energy savings projects and utility rebate applications that have provided the hospital over $2.1 million in cumulative financial benefit. This cumulative benefit will continue to grow as there are over $300,000/year worth of savings in identified, but not yet implemented projects on our collective, but ever-growing to-do list.
Summary Stats:
Over $2.1 million in cumulative benefit achieved
Energy Star® Certified! Score increased from 35 to 76 (current)
Energy Star Score progress since 2015
Our Role
Campus Energy Manager, Energy Auditor, Commissioning Agent