Granville Schools

The Need
After a 2010, performance contract, Granville Schools hired Go to perform measurement & verification (M&V) services to help understand the project’s impact on energy consumption and costs. The results were less than desirable, similar to many entities who work with performance contracts and do not see the promised savings manifest.
Our Approach
From 2010 to 2015, Go performed energy auditing, technical assistance and M&V services for Granville Schools for a variety of energy related upgrades. Our goal was to approach energy efficiency in a tactical and cost-effective manner and to ensure that investments were data driven.
In 2015, Granville Schools started a large efficiency effort. First, we performed an energy audit of the school district to identify a broad base of energy efficiency projects. Next, we helped GEVS obtain qualifications for ESCOs (a.k.a “performance contractors”) and to select one with the technical capacity to perform the project. Finally throughout the project planning and implementation, we served as a commissioning agent and technical advisor to ensure that the project was being implemented as expected.
The Results
Our analysis and technical expertise helped Granville Schools to more effectively interact with the project and performance contractor, saving the district significant unnecessary capital expenditures. Towards the end of the project, our site contact exclaimed “I don’t know how school districts or other public entities go through projects like this without your help. We would have been lost without you”.
Summary Stats:
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in avoided capital expenditures.
Avoided a critical issue in the lighting submittal that avoided over $5k/year in unnecessary energy costs.
Our Role
Energy auditor, commissioning agent, trusted technical advisor, owner’s advocate, measurement & verification (M&V) consultant.