Student Perspectives of Curriculum Integrated International Technical Immersions
The Engineers in Technical, Humanitarian Opportunities of Service-learning (ETHOS) program at the University of Dayton (Dayton, Ohio) is founded on the belief that engineers are more apt and capable to serve our world when they have experienced opportunities that increase their understanding of technology’s global linkage with values, culture, society, politics and economy. ETHOS seeks to provide these opportunities by means of curriculum integrated service-learning programming. Such educational programming – classroom projects, student organization activities, collaborative research and international technical immersion – facilitates holistic learning, ethical engineering practices, perspectives of technology integration and appropriate technology transfer.
To appropriately measure the value and effectiveness of ETHOS programming on students post graduation, efforts were made to survey all alumni having participated in international technical immersions. This survey was designed to capture results of programmatic goals and understand the role of service-learning programs on engineers’ career and life paths.
This paper will describe qualitative results of international technical immersion experiences through alumni surveys and interviews. Review of these data will provide assessment of the ETHOS program’s international technical immersions, classroom instruction, course resources, course facilitation and requirements. Recommendations for future development and assessment will be considered.
Student Perspectives of Curriculum Integrated International Technical Immersions
Schreier, C. et. al. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings 2006