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The Ohio History Center
The Ohio History Center

The Need

The Ohio History Connection, is a private nonprofit organization headquartered in Columbus, OH. Its mission is to “spark discovery of Ohio history as we embrace the present, share the past, and work to transform the future”. In 2010, the Ohio History Center, its flagship 280,000 ft2 museum was an energy intense building which spent around $430k annually on electricity and natural gas. Reliable and effective heating and cooling is critical for this facility to meet the tight temperature and humidity requirements of housing the state of Ohio’s most precious artifacts.

Our Approach

In 2011, we performed an ASHRAE Level III energy audit of the Ohio History Center where we identified 27 individual energy efficiency opportunities with a combined simple payback of about 5 years. Since, we have assisted each year with a variety of projects such as providing technical assistance during the implementation of low-to-no cost measures, commissioning the replacement of the facility’s boiler and chiller plants, and providing ongoing measurement and verification.

The Results

The persistence of OHC staff has allowed the Ohio History Center to reduce energy use and costs by 50%. The energy use intensity of this facility has been so reduced that it has become a promising candidate for the installation of on-site renewable energy to become a Zero Energy Building.

Summary Stats:

Our Role

Energy auditor, commissioning agent, trusted technical advisor, owner’s advocate, measurement & verification (M&V) consultant.

The Client

The Ohio History Connection


2010 - Present


Charles Schreier, PE

Gregory Raffio, PE, LEED AP BD+C

Neil Wittberg, PE, CEM

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