State of Ohio Energy Efficiency Program – Over 70 Energy Studies

The Need
The State of Ohio operates an Energy Efficiency Program to inform industrial and commercial businesses in Ohio about energy efficiency investments. The program reduces the cost for a technical team to study an entire facility, a specific project, or a major energy-using system. The intent is to reduce operational costs and increase job creation and retention. The program also seeks to promote active and ongoing energy management, in the hopes to multiply and sustain a mindset of energy efficiency investment.
Go Sustainable Energy has operated within this program since 2016.
Our Approach
Go adopts our client’s criteria for decision making as we study their sites and equipment. Since we do not sell products, offer design services, or conduct installations, we are able to objectively identify reasonable energy savings opportunities, realistically portray the energy and cost savings potential, and provide actionable information to guide the client towards implementation. Our reports document opportunities that are supported by data, not what will lead to more work for our team.
Go works with client stakeholders to identify which systems or equipment warrant investigation. A few examples include:
We identified issues with a compressed air system that could be fixed by site personnel. This resulted in measurable energy savings and increased how much air the equipment could produce, avoiding over $1M in unnecessary capital investments.
We studied two sites for one manufacturer with nearly identical equipment and processes. In addition to identifying efficiency investments, we also identified and analyzed significant discrepancies in how each site was being charged for electricity. We educated staff and prepared them for strategic investments to improve their costs.
Through our data logging process, we identified a practice that was increasing a site’s electric bills by 15%. The cause was two large pieces of equipment that were most frequently being operated simultaneously, which did not need to be.
Our studies conclude with a detailed presentation of how the site and key equipment uses energy and documentation of how each recommendation saves energy and cost. Critically, we also identify what internal or external party might best implement each recommendation and provide guidance towards implementation success.
The Results
Since 2016, our energy studies have identified around $70 million in energy efficiency investments that could save customers around $35 million in annual utility costs. This represents an average of a two-year payback ranging from low-to-no cost operational changes to large-scale capital investments.
Our Role
Energy Assessment Team